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2020 AGM at Pakati Secondary school

Tuesday 25th February saw the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Pakati Secondary school, an event attended by senior school staff, School Development Committee (SDC) members, the local Councillor and several other members of the local community.

Pakati Secondary school, September 2019

Discussions ranged over a number of important issues, some of which are of interest to friendsofpakati as they relate to our priorities. The SDC were present, and there have been some changes due to elections. Apparently more parents are keen to get involved in working for a better Pakati. I await the details, and will update on here when I hear more.

It was clear to all that further security was needed for the current staffroom, which doubles as a computer room. Funds were made available through Murewa Rural District Council (RDC) for this purpose.

Rows of twisted bars, ready to be made into ‘burglar bars’ as additional security for the room where computers are being used

One of the ways schools can generate either funds or food is by things like small scale developments, such as bee keeping, or as shown below, the intention by Pakati Secondary school to rear chickens. This is still early days but the fowl run has now been completed ready for use.

Another source of potential income is through a school tuck shop. It was still being built in September 2019, and is also now complete, waiting to be stocked.

. The tuck shop was under construction when I visited Pakati in late September 2019.

During the celebrations for the handover of computers and sports gear, it became clear there were not enough toilet facilities available, as male and female staff were sharing what was there. The RDC CEO, Dr. Gurajane, promised to make funds available for a separate toilet to be built for female staff to use, and this has been completed too.

Councillor Israel Maliki tells me that capital is needed to get the tuck shop and fowl run up and running. Further to those mentioned above, and one of our priorities for this year, is the need for suitable printers. These would be used for printing exam/test papers as well as other daily needs.

New printers are needed to help both Pakati schools with their daily needs

I have now received some photos from the AGM and a little more information too.

Participants at the AGM were provided with refreshments

One of the SDC members, the chairman, is Mr William Dzimauta

At the front of the meetin stood up are Mr Mugove Chifaka (Head of Pakati Secondary school)
Councillor Israel Maliki of Murewa Ward 14,
and the Chairman of the new SDC, William Dzimauta
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